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- accessibility
- active transport
- active travel
- adaptive large neighborhood search
- air quality
- air travel
- alternative fuel
- artificial intelligence
- attitudes
- automated vehicle (AV)
- automation
- battery
- battery electric trucks
- battery electric vehicles
- bicycle
- bicyclists
- bike-share
- biking
- biofuel
- California
- car share
- carpooling
- cement
- charging
- charging behavior forecasting
- charging infrastructure
- China
- climate adaptation
- climate change
- climate-induced power crisis
- cobalt
- collective cooperation
- commercial
- community engagement
- complete streets
- con
- concrete
- congestion
- connected and automated vehicle (CAV)
- connectivity
- conservation
- constrained travel
- construction
- consumer behavior
- cost
- cost of ownership
- COVID-19
- critical battery materials
- cycling infrastructure
- data management
- decarbonization
- demographics
- disadvantaged communities
- displacement
- drayage
- e-commerce
- e-scooters
- eco-approach-and-departure
- eco-driving
- economy
- education
- efficiency
- electric bicycle (eBike)
- electric bus
- electric grid
- electric vehicle (EV)
- electrification
- emergency response
- emissions
- end-of-life management
- energy
- energy conservation
- energy storage systems
- engineering
- environment
- environmental analysis
- environmental impacts
- environmental justice
- environmental review
- equity
- ethanol
- ethnography
- EV adoption
- evacuation
- extreme event
- fare
- finance
- first mile transport
- fleet dispatching
- flood forecast
- freeways
- freight
- fuel cell vehicle
- fuel composition
- fuel economy
- funding
- gasoline
- gender
- gentrification
- geographic information systems (GIS)
- goods movement
- greenhouse gases
- health
- heavy-duty vehicles
- high-speed rail
- highways
- housing
- hybrid electric vehicles
- hybrid work
- hydrogen
- incentives
- induced travel
- industrial ecology
- infrastructure
- integrated travel
- intelligent transportation system (ITS)
- king tides
- land use
- last mile transport
- life cycle
- life cycle assessment
- life-cycle assessment (LCA)
- light impacts
- light-duty vehicles
- lithium-ion batteries
- local government
- logistics
- long-distance travel
- Los Angeles
- low carbon fuel standard
- machine learning
- managed lanes
- maritime transportation
- mark
- markets
- material design
- materials
- measurement
- median barriers
- medium-duty vehicles
- metropolitan planning organization
- metropolitan planning organizations
- Mexico
- micromobility
- microtransit
- mileage fees
- millennials
- minerals
- mitigation
- mixed autonomy traffic
- mobility (general)
- mobility (shared)
- mobility justice
- modeling
- motor fuel taxes
- multimodal
- natural gas
- non-exhaust emissions
- non-tailpipe emissions
- optimization
- parking
- pavement
- pavement (566
- pedestrian activity
- permeable pavement
- planning
- plug-in electric vehicles
- policy
- policy analysis
- polling
- pollution
- public policy
- public transportation
- rail
- rebate program
- recycled materials
- reinforcement learning
- remote work
- renewable energy
- resilience
- retail
- ride-hailing
- ridership
- ridesharing
- road ecology
- road grade
- routing
- rural communities
- safety
- sea-level rise
- second-hand vehicles
- segmentation
- sensors
- shopping behavior
- sidewalks
- smart charging
- social mixing
- solar bike pathway technology
- spatial analysis
- speed management
- storm surge
- stormwater
- student
- subsidies
- supply chain
- survey
- sustainability
- sustainable communities
- sustainable community strategies
- sustainable materials
- technology (general)
- telecommuting
- tire-wear
- topological data analysis
- traffic
- traffic noise
- traffic optimization
- traffic simulation
- transit
- transit-oriented development
- transport
- transportation finance
- transportation network company (TNC)
- transportation systems
- transportation taxes
- travel behavior
- travel demand
- travel time
- Tribal governments
- trucks
- urban heat island
- used vehicle trade
- vehicle miles traveled (VMT)
- vehicle ownership
- vehicle usage
- vehicle-to-infrastructure communication
- voting
- warehouses
- wealth
- weather
- wildlife
- wildlife-vehicle collisions
- workforce
- zero emission vehicle (ZEV)