transportation systems

A Before and After Evaluation of Shared Mobility Projects in the San Joaquin Valley

Research Product Type
Research Report
In rural areas, cost-effective transit service is challenging due to greater travel distances, lower population densities, and longer travel times than in cities. UC Davis partnered with the eight San Joaquin Valley Metropolitan Planning Organizations to identify and support development of three innovative mobility pilot concepts for the region.

Assessing the Charging Needs of Multi-EV Households in California

  • Principal Investigator Gil Tal, Ph.D.
  • University of California, Davis
This project will determine the market penetration and charging infrastructure needs of multi-EV households by region and community in California from 2022 to 2040, with a particular focus on how access to charging will affect the rate at which households acquire additional EVs and on the difficulties of expanding EV ownership in Disadvantaged Communities in California.
Project Status

Mobility Justice in Rural California: Examining Transportation Barriers and Adaptations in Carless Households

Research Product Type
Research Report
This report describes the scope and scale of car access in rural areas, identifies barriers that rural zero-car and car-deficit households face in their mobility and access, and proposes personal and policy-level adaptations that would help these households achieve their mobility and access needs using descriptive analysis from US census microdata and interviews with 22 residents of California’s Central Valley.

Stochastic Ride Sharing System with Flexible Pickup and Drop-off

  • Principal Investigator Maged Dessouky, Ph.D.
  • University of Southern California
The purpose of this research is to provide a ride-sharing planning scheme that will consider all three sources of uncertainties to provide a robust travel plan while at the same time reducing travel time for the commuters.
Project Status