The NCST organizes a series of policy and research workshops in partnership with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) for agency staff on various transportation topics, pulling from expertise in the NCST consortium and beyond.

Caltrans Transportation Equity Research Workshop
The first half-day workshop in the series was held on November 16, 2020, and focused on transportation equity. The workshop was held virtually and attended by 64 Caltrans employees from multiple divisions and districts. The research presentations and discussion informed the department's ongoing efforts to prioritize equity in its programs and projects.

Caltrans Research Workshop: Equity in Adapting Transportation Infrastructure to Climate Change
This half-day virtual workshop was held on November 30, 2021, and explored the intersection between adaptation to climate change and social equity. Attendees engaged in facilitated discussions about how Caltrans can adapt the state’s transportation system to the impacts of climate change in a holistic, equitable fashion.

Caltrans Research Workshop: Active Transportation Census
This half-day virtual workshop was held on July 25, 2022 for Caltrans staff and partner agencies. The workshop covered the basics of collecting bicycle and pedestrian count data to support Caltrans in its efforts to develop a statewide active transportation census program.

Caltrans Effects of Managed Lanes on Vehicle Miles Traveled
In the fourth workshop of the series, the NCST hosted a half-day, invite-only virtual workshop on September 29, 2022, for Caltrans leadership focused on the Effects of Managed Lanes on Vehicle Miles Traveled. This virtual workshop addressed the following questions: 1) Under what conditions can Caltrans be confident that tolling will reduce VMT? 2) How can Caltrans measure that effect?