
NCST research has produced a variety of tools that can be used by policymakers and practitioners towards achieving a more sustainable transportation system.

Total Cost of Ownership Spreadsheet Tool

Research Product Type
The Total Cost of Ownership Spreadsheet Tool (TCOST) is a Microsoft Excel-based calculator that simplifies and integrates the main functions, data, and outputs of pre-existing models (MOVES-Matrix and the GREET Model) and other external sources of economic data.

EV Carsharing Information and Resources Dashboard

Research Product Type
Planning Tool

This dashboard is a collection of information about how electric vehicle (EV) carsharing has been successfully implemented in California to improve the mobility of individuals and communities.

EV Express Lane Excel Tool

Research Product Type

This Excel tool allows users to assess the potential use of express lane discounts as a driver of ZEV adoption by testing the effectiveness of a range of discount scenarios, including scenario

Wildlife Crossing Calculator

Research Product Type
The Wildlife Crossing Calculator (WCC) includes a set of analytical tools to help estimate the costs to the public of crashes involving wildlife and compare those costs with the costs and benefits of wildlife crossing mitigations.

Induced Travel Calculator

Research Product Type
This calculator looks at how the addition of high-occupancy vehicle lane (HOV) miles contributes to the addition of vehicle miles traveled (VMT).

Fuel and Emissions Calculator Spreadsheet Tool

Research Product Type

This calculator builds upon the earlier Fuel and Emissions Calculator. Updates include addition of light-duty vehicles, biodiesel, and more recent electricity emissions data. 

ITHIM-Sacramento Equity Analysis Tool

Research Product Type
Planning Tool
The Integrated Transport and Health Impact Model tool helps planners anticipate transportation-related health impacts.


Research Product Type

In 2015, NCST researchers began work on, a demo flight search website that shows the emissions of each flight as

Riverside Bicycle Route Planning Tool

Research Product Type
Planning Tool

This ArcGIS tool lets planners, engineers, and other users map out potential bike routes in Riverside, California.

Smart Growth Trip-Generation Adjustment Tool

Research Product Type
Planning Tool
This is a spreadsheet tool that can be used to adjust available trip-generation rates for “smart growth” land use projects proposed in California.