NCST research has produced a variety of tools that can be used by policymakers and practitioners towards achieving a more sustainable transportation system.
The Total Cost of Ownership Spreadsheet Tool (TCOST) is a Microsoft Excel-based calculator that simplifies and integrates the main functions, data, and outputs of pre-existing models (MOVES-Matrix and the GREET Model) and other external sources of economic data.
This dashboard is a collection of information about how electric vehicle (EV) carsharing has been successfully implemented in California to improve the mobility of individuals and communities.
This Excel tool allows users to assess the potential use of express lane discounts as a driver of ZEV adoption by testing the effectiveness of a range of discount scenarios, including scenario
This tool has been developed by the UC Davis BicyclingPlus Research Collaborative to estimate expected benefits of proposed active transportation projects.
The Wildlife Crossing Calculator (WCC) includes a set of analytical tools to help estimate the costs to the public of crashes involving wildlife and compare those costs with the costs and benefits of wildlife crossing mitigations.
The dataset is an Analytical Tool (.xlsm format) to model last-mile delivery and different city logistics measures in the context of e-commerce delivery.
This toolkit produces, at the census block group level, predictions of the spatial distribution of Plug-In Electric Vehicles (PEVs) and the workplace charging demand of those vehicles.
This tool is an application of the Integrated Transport and Health Impact Model (ITHIM) created at the UK Center for Diet and Activity Research and subsequently applied in
This tool is for fleet managers who want to better predict the benefits of low-rolling resistance (LRR)tires for both constant and transient speed operations.
This calculator builds upon the earlier Fuel and Emissions Calculator. Updates include addition of light-duty vehicles, biodiesel, and more recent electricity emissions data.
This research resulted in a Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Impact spreadsheet tool, which lets users easily see impacts for any census tract, city, or region in California.