
METRANS Spring 2024 Speaker Series: Evaluating Alternative Strategies for Traffic Reduction in Los Angeles

Using big-data from a rich network of detectors located on all freeways in Los Angeles that measure real-time speed and flow (that is, car counts), this seminar highlighted a practical tool for policymakers to infer the effects of alternative strategies for reducing traffic congestion in Los Angeles

Metro Atlanta Northwest Corridor Commuter Survey Results - Assessing Express Lane Impacts on Increased Corridor Throughput

Research Product Type
Dissertation / Thesis
The goal of the 2023 Atlanta Metropolitan Area Northwest Corridor Commuter Survey is to gather information from metropolitan area residents about changes in their commute travel to work on the I-75 Northwest Corridor (NWC) over time. The survey looks at commute travel before and after the NWC Express Lanes opened, during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, and finally at anticipated changes after the pandemic is behind us.

Survey of Northwest Corridor Express Lane Users and Non-Users to Assess Factors Influencing Observed Behavioral Change (Pre-Pandemic Increase in Freeway Corridor Vehicle Activity)

  • Principal Investigator Randall Guensler, Ph.D.
  • Georgia Institute of Technology
This research will implement a commuter survey targeting at NWC Express Lane users and non-users to identify factors influencing observed travel behavioral changes, which includes shifts in commute travel routes and changes in shared ride activities.
Project Status