mobility (general)

Addressing Cycles of Inequality: A Talk on Mobility Justice featuring Mimi Sheller

Day One: Keynote Talk by critical mobilities scholar Mimi Sheller, author of Mobility Justice: The Politics of Movement in an Age of Extremes. Day Two: Workshop - Participants will collaborate at a closed workshop to produce an interdisciplinary mobility justice research agenda that draws on bike equity and racial justice.

Annual Investigation of Nationwide Mobility Trends: “The Pulse of The Nation” on the 3 Revolutions

  • Principal Investigator Giovanni Circella, Ph.D.
  • University of California, Davis
The study will shed light on the evolving impacts of new mobility options on various components of travel behavior and vehicle ownership, how these solutions expand travel options and the circumstances under which travelers increase travel multimodality and may reduce their reliance on the use of private vehicles.
Project Status

Building Stocks of Experience: How Beliefs About How You Can, Ought, and Like To Travel Influence Youths’ Current and Future Travel Behavior

  • Principal Investigator Calvin Thigpen, PhD
  • University of California, Davis
This dissertation studies how individual experiences and skills can inform one's attitudes and adoption of different travel modes. Specifically, the researcher focuses on how childhood bicycling experiences and teenage driver's license delays impact adult travel behavior.
Project Status