
Can Smart Growth Reduce Vehicle Travel in Rural Communities?

Research Product Type
Research Report
In this report, travel behavior data from the Federal Highway Administration’s National Household Travel Survey is combined with detailed built environment data from the Environmental Protection Agency’s Smart Location Database to evaluate the relationships between personal and built environment factors and sustainable travel behaviors including vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and mode choice.

Dataset: Summary of SB 743 implementation efforts by California's 539 cities and counties

Research Product Type
The dataset centers around the level of service (LOS) to Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) shift which made the latter the transportation impact metric for land development projects under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Appropriately, this dataset summarizes the inventory findings of the study which investigated how local governments have been implementing the LOS-to-VMT shift for land development projects.

Equity Concerns Related to Induced Travel and Mitigation

  • Principal Investigator Jesus Barajas, Ph.D
  • University of California, Davis
This project will develop guidance for evaluating sociodemographic disparities from the impacts of State Highway System expansion projects and associated vehicle miles traveled (VMT) mitigation strategies.
Project Status
In Progress

Evaluation of Travel and the Built Environment in Small and Rural Communities

  • Principal Investigator Dana Rowangould, Ph.D.
  • University of Vermont
This research will evaluate the relationship between travel and the built environment in rural regions. The results of this research will inform GHG mitigation and transportation and land use planning in rural regions across the US.
Project Status

SB 743 Implementation by Local Governments for Land Use Projects

Research Product Type
Research Report
This project focuses on the LOS to VMT shift as a transportation impact metric for land development projects under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The authors expand on the differences this shift has posed upon land development projects, and explore the government's involvement in measuring the actual VMT levels.

Travel and the Built Environment in Rural Communities

Research Product Type
Policy Brief
This policy brief summarizes findings from the University of Vermont project where researchers sought to answer the question: is the relationship between travel and the built environment the same in urban and rural areas.