This research project was designed to support efforts within Caltrans in conducting a wildfire vulnerability risk assessment for fuels reduction in the Right of Way to protect Caltrans’ infrastructure and travelers.
The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection produced a Community Wildfire Prevention and Mitigation Report in 2019 with a methodology to assess wildfire risk. Caltrans and researchers at the University of California, Davis applied these methods to develop a highway-segment-specific prioritization model for vegetation management within highway rights-of-way.
This project measures sidewalk, curb ramp, and curb cut quality data to evaluate pedestrian infrastructure quality. The project considers accessible, active travel for people with physical disabilities.
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the potential effect that pedestrian infrastructure ADA compliance issues may have on persons with disabilities or physical limitations.
This research project aims to support efforts within Caltrans in conducting a wildfire vulnerability risk assessment for fuels reduction in the right of way (ROW) to protect Caltrans’ infrastructur
This paper presents a method for incorporating exposure to traffic-related air pollution as another consideration in the bicycle route planning process.
The data and materials presented here support a research project conducted by UC Davis in support of Caltrans, a transportation agency that is conducting a wildfire vulnerability risk assessment for fuels reduction in the right of Way (ROW) to protect Caltrans’ infrastructure and travelers.
This is the dataset for project: "Improving Public Safety Through Spatial Synthesis, Mapping, Modeling, and Performance Analysis of Emergency Evacuation Routes in California Localities".