Conducting an Inventory to Quantify Carbon Sequestration Potential for Fuels Reduction in Caltrans Rights of Way

This research project aims to support efforts within Caltrans in conducting a wildfire vulnerability risk assessment for fuels reduction in the right of way (ROW) to protect Caltrans’ infrastructure and travelers. The project will involve three components: 1) conducting a rigorous peer review of a GIS-based study commissioned by Caltrans; 2) collecting and assessing the outputs of several fire models currently developed or under development for California, as well as future climate projections; and 3) combining Caltrans’ GIS data with the fire and climate change models to identify priority areas for fuels and risk reduction. The results of this study can also contribute to risk assessments of Caltrans infrastructure to wildfire. The research team will combine the data layers used by Caltrans to develop the fuels risk maps with the fire and climate maps, in order to help visualize the highest priority locations for treatments in the ROW. Further, a framework for considering how the outputs could be incorporated into ongoing-decision support for Caltrans operations and management will be identified.


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