data management

A Roadmap for Integrating Complete Streets Infrastructure into Pavement Asset Management Systems

Research Product Type
Policy Brief
Researchers surveyed all 50 state departments of transportation and conducted in-depth interviews with agency experts to understand the implementation status of complete streets asset management, identify what state transportation agencies need to improve their asset management plans, and develop a road map for implementing complete streets asset management.

Annual Investigation of Nationwide Mobility Trends: “The Pulse of The Nation” on the 3 Revolutions

  • Principal Investigator Giovanni Circella, Ph.D.
  • University of California, Davis
The study will shed light on the evolving impacts of new mobility options on various components of travel behavior and vehicle ownership, how these solutions expand travel options and the circumstances under which travelers increase travel multimodality and may reduce their reliance on the use of private vehicles.
Project Status

Caltrans Sustainable Freight Academy

  • Principal Investigator Thomas O'Brien, Ph.D.
  • California State University Long Beach
This project will involve the design and implement two four-day in-person Sustainable Freight Academies for Caltrans during calendar year 2021.
Project Status

Caltrans Sustainable Freight Academy

Research Product Type
Research Report
The academy consisted of presentations from goods movement professionals and subject matter experts, from the U.S. State DOTs and public-and private organizations as well as those from international planning agencies.

Data Management Plan, Info, & Guidance

The NCST is required to comply with the requirements of the USDOT Public Access Plan, which establishes objectives to ensure public access to Publications and Digital Data Sets arising from DOT-managed research and development programs. Learn more about how to comply with this requirement as a NCST researcher.

Dataset: Identifying Roadway Physical Characteristics that Contribute to Emissions Differences between Hybrid and Conventional Vehicles

Research Product Type
A second-by-second data set obtained from monitoring vehicle emissions over a series of 75 test runs from 2 test vehicles over an 18-month period during real-world on-road operations was used to assess emissions differences between two propulsion systems and attribute these differences to physical roadway/infrastructure characteristics.