Caltrans Sustainable Freight Academy

This project will involve the design and implement two four-day in-person Sustainable Freight Academies for Caltrans during calendar year 2021. These trainings will build upon a model used by Caltrans for its other Field Academies, including the Freight Academy, but with a curriculum focused on Caltrans’s role in implementing the California Sustainable Freight Action Plan (CSFAP) and California Freight Mobility Plan (CFMP). This includes preparing staff for the 2025 CFMP, with an emphasis on the role played by freight planning within system planning, including traffic management planning, identification of alternative routes, pavement design innovation, modal shift opportunities, and system resiliency.

Access the course materials shared with students, including presentations and agendas, as well as the students' final presentations.


Product Type: Research Report

Research Area
