
2025 International Urban Freight Conference

The International Urban Freight Conference (I-NUF) is the premier biennial conference that addresses all aspects of city logistics and goods movement in the world’s metropolitan areas. It is a showcase for cutting-edge research and dynamic information-sharing and provides a forum for researchers, policy makers, and practitioners to reimagine and guide the future of the industry.

Caltrans Sustainable Freight Academy

Research Product Type
Research Report
The academy consisted of presentations from goods movement professionals and subject matter experts, from the U.S. State DOTs and public-and private organizations as well as those from international planning agencies.

Caltrans Sustainable Freight Academy

  • Principal Investigator Thomas O'Brien, Ph.D.
  • California State University Long Beach
This project will involve the design and implement two four-day in-person Sustainable Freight Academies for Caltrans during calendar year 2021.
Project Status

Career Pathways for Transportation Sector Climate Adaption Professionals

  • Principal Investigator Jonathan Dowds
  • University of Vermont
This project documents key skill profiles and competency sets needed for a career in transportation sector climate adaptation, as well as the educational and training opportunities available for developing these proficiencies.
Project Status