rural communities

A Before and After Evaluation of Shared Mobility Projects in the San Joaquin Valley

Research Product Type
Research Report
In rural areas, cost-effective transit service is challenging due to greater travel distances, lower population densities, and longer travel times than in cities. UC Davis partnered with the eight San Joaquin Valley Metropolitan Planning Organizations to identify and support development of three innovative mobility pilot concepts for the region.

Assessing Electric Vehicle Benefits in a Rural, Cold, and Mountainous Region

  • Principal Investigator Dana Rowangould, Ph.D.
  • University of Vermont
This study will collect real-world driving data in the mountainous and largely rural northern state of Vermont to determine how plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) use and performance differ across these contexts and for different vehicle types.
Project Status
In Progress

Can Smart Growth Reduce Vehicle Travel in Rural Communities?

Research Product Type
Research Report
In this report, travel behavior data from the Federal Highway Administration’s National Household Travel Survey is combined with detailed built environment data from the Environmental Protection Agency’s Smart Location Database to evaluate the relationships between personal and built environment factors and sustainable travel behaviors including vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and mode choice.

Capitol Hill Research Briefing: Challenges and Opportunities for Improving Mobility & Access to Sustainable Transportation in Rural Communities

In this briefing, researchers from the National Center for Sustainable Transportation will highlight research pertaining to meeting the mobility needs of small, rural, and marginalized communities while also addressing sustainability challenges in California and Vermont.

Community-Oriented Solutions May Help Rural Residents Adapt to Life Without a Car

Research Product Type
Policy Brief
Rural residents face significant mobility challenges because travel destinations are far, opportunities like jobs and access to essential needs are limited, and rural roadways are more dangerous than their urban counterparts. UC Davis researchers used US Census microdata and conducted interviews to describe socioeconomic and mobility characteristics of carless households and residents in rural California to understand barriers to access and travel adaptations among individuals with limited access to a vehicle.

Consideration of Automated Vehicle Benefits and Research Needs for Rural America

Research Product Type
Research Report
This paper examines mechanisms for autonomous vehicle-induced increases in vehicle miles traveled (VMT) – some of which are expected to have a disproportionately larger impact on rural VMT – and outlines five methods that have been used to study VMT changes: travel demand equalization; travel demand elasticity; travel demand models; and stated and revealed preference surveys.

Data Dashboard and Capacity Building for Electric Carsharing in Underserved BIPOC Communities

  • Principal Investigator Caroline Rodier, Ph.D.
  • University of California, Davis
This project addresses the need to increase access to grant funds to develop electric vehicle (EV) carsharing in underserved communities, particularly in rural and suburban areas. The research team designed this translational research project to engage communities interested in developing electric carsharing programs.
Project Status