integrated travel

Dataset: Survey and analysis of transportation affordable programs in California

Research Product Type
This is the dataset for project "Improving Access and Efficiency to Transportation Affordable Programs in California" (UCD-CT-FAST-079). This study explores opportunities for improving access to transportation affordable programs by gathering insights from existing income-qualified transportation benefits.

Improving Access and Efficiency to Transportation Affordable Programs in California

  • Principal Investigator Caroline Rodier, Ph.D.
  • University of California, Davis
This project addresses the Caltrans research need as outlined in the 2022-2023 UC Davis Caltrans Research Grants: "Existing assistance programs often function as discretionary rather than entitlement programs. These programs are first-come, first-serve, and often over-subscribed. They tend to use limited dollars to channel large benefits to relatively few beneficiaries, leave many eligible households unassisted, and are rarely evaluated." The researchers will use a three-part approach to identify near and longer-term opportunities to provide more effective UBM programs. 
Project Status

Survey and Analysis of Transportation Affordable Programs in California

Research Product Type
Research Report
This study explores opportunities for improving access to transportation affordable programs by gathering insights from existing income qualified transportation benefits. Researchers compare examples of these programs to design features of existing non-transportation benefits to characterize opportunities for increased coordination and standardization.