environmental analysis

Accelerate Plug-in Electric Vehicles adoption via understanding household adoption decisions and designing sustainable transportation finance policies

Research Product Type
Dissertation / Thesis
This dissertation sets out to 1) explore the feasibility of implementing a per-mile road-usage charge (RUC) in replacement of the motor fuel taxes, 2) estimate the changes in vehicles-miles travelled (VMT) and the revenues generated from motor fuel taxes under the backdrop of vehicle electrification, and 3) quantify the effects of vehicle class and fuel type portfolios in ZEV-adopting households’ vehicle replacement decisions.

Bridging Traditional Understandings of Aerosol Dynamics to Real-World Maritime Emissions and Respiratory Health Delivery Methods

Research Product Type
Dissertation / Thesis
This dissertation includes a retrospective of maritime emissions, and a deep analysis of the operational and emission parameters on newest container ships, all with the goal of improving regulations for ship air pollution and reducing personal exposure. The thesis then provides evaluation to establish a novel aerosol delivery method for health studies, aiming to enhance the management of air pollution and its health implications.

Dataset: Travel Behavior in E-commerce

Research Product Type
These datasets contain the raw data collected from the two separate but related surveys to explore the potential of automated parcel lockers as an alternative for residence deliveries.

Demonstrating the Life Cycle Assessment Framework for Complete Streets

Research Product Type
Policy Brief
The researchers assessed whether the LCA framework was useful in identifying whether a complete street delivered, or was likely to deliver, the intended performance and benefits, and the social and health conditions of the neighborhoods receiving the benefits.

Global Warming Potential from Build-Out and Maintenance of Global Roadway Networks

  • Principal Investigator John Harvey, Ph.D.
  • University of California, Davis
The goal of this project is to produce a first-order estimate of future global warming potential from road building, maintenance, and rehabilitation for the world’s road networks and put this into context with other expected transportation-related greenhouse gases.
Project Status