
A Before and After Evaluation of Shared Mobility Projects in the San Joaquin Valley

Research Product Type
Research Report
In rural areas, cost-effective transit service is challenging due to greater travel distances, lower population densities, and longer travel times than in cities. UC Davis partnered with the eight San Joaquin Valley Metropolitan Planning Organizations to identify and support development of three innovative mobility pilot concepts for the region.

Accelerate Plug-in Electric Vehicles adoption via understanding household adoption decisions and designing sustainable transportation finance policies

Research Product Type
Dissertation / Thesis
This dissertation sets out to 1) explore the feasibility of implementing a per-mile road-usage charge (RUC) in replacement of the motor fuel taxes, 2) estimate the changes in vehicles-miles travelled (VMT) and the revenues generated from motor fuel taxes under the backdrop of vehicle electrification, and 3) quantify the effects of vehicle class and fuel type portfolios in ZEV-adopting households’ vehicle replacement decisions.

Addressing Cycles of Inequality: A Talk on Mobility Justice featuring Mimi Sheller

Day One: Keynote Talk by critical mobilities scholar Mimi Sheller, author of Mobility Justice: The Politics of Movement in an Age of Extremes. Day Two: Workshop - Participants will collaborate at a closed workshop to produce an interdisciplinary mobility justice research agenda that draws on bike equity and racial justice.