
Analyzing the Effectiveness of Policy and Regulatory Frameworks for Sustainable Truck Freight

  • Principal Investigator Caleb Weed
  • Georgia Institute of Technology
This study systematically reviews the policy landscape for sustainable freight transportation using text mining and natural language processing techniques and aggregates them into seven distinct policy types: prohibitions, rebates, sales mandates, technological mandates, material infrastructure, and immaterial infrastructure.
Project Status

Assessing the Potential Impacts of Toll Discounts on Zero-Emission Vehicle Adoption

  • Principal Investigator Adam Davis, Ph.D
  • University of California, Davis
In this project, the research team will assess the impacts of discounted express lane tolls on ZEV adoption statewide and specifically in disadvantaged communities and areas where these discounts will have the largest impact. The results of this analysis will be used to propose a discount system that will encourage ZEV adoption but not overly burden express lane infrastructure.
Project Status