Analyzing the Effectiveness of Policy and Regulatory Frameworks for Sustainable Truck Freight

This study systematically reviews the policy landscape for sustainable freight transportation using text mining and natural language processing techniques and aggregates them into seven distinct policy types: prohibitions, rebates, sales mandates, technological mandates, material infrastructure, and immaterial infrastructure. Real world and as-of-yet unimplemented policies across the identified categories of sustainable transportation policy that are especially relevant to the cost and operational dynamics of battery-electric and plug-in hybrid commercial vehicles are evaluated to assess their observed or anticipated impact on the socioeconomic environment including equity and environmental justice impacts. The effects of each evaluated policy are then modeled from the perspective of a freight business owner by leveraging the NCST Total Cost of Ownership Spreadsheet Tool (TCOST) to evaluate the direct and indirect cost effects of the policy and in the process determine if and how the policy would alter fleet management decisions and business behavior. The human, environmental, and economic implications of evaluated policies are considered and the efficacy of each policy type is determined, culminating in actionable policy recommendations.


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