
Challenges Are Present, But California Transit Agencies Are Open to Open-loop

Research Product Type
Policy Brief
Researchers from the University of California, Davis gathered surveys from a small sample of transit agencies (N = 21) and found that agencies are interested in open-loop payments, agencies and passengers would likely support it, but that it also presents challenges for agencies and passengers. This policy brief summarizes the findings from that research and provides policy implications.

All Aboard! Easier Transit Travel with Standardized Payments

  • Principal Investigator Susan Pike, Ph.D.
  • University of California, Davis
This research examines the potential for the adoption of a standardized fare payment system throughout California’s transit operators; to better serve their customers and provide seamless trip-planning and payment.
Project Status

Dataset: Transit agencies want open payments but there are challenges

Research Product Type
This includes data used in the project, "All Aboard! Easier Transit Travel with Standardized Payments". The data was collected from California transit agencies in the fall of 2022 that gathered information about agency perceptions of open-loop payments and the challenges with adopting open fare collection systems, and whether assistance programs would benefit transit agencies interested in adopting open-loop payments.

Youth Cruz Free: Bus Ridership Behavior Among Santa Cruz County Teens

  • Principal Investigator Susan Pike, Ph.D.
  • University of California, Davis
This project will investigate the effectiveness of the Youth Cruz Free pilot fare-free program by Santa Cruz Metro through a longitudinal study of travel behavior among high school age teenagers. The outcomes of this study will provide Santa Cruz Metro with a direct understanding of the impacts of the pilot program, and will be useful for transit agencies and policy makers considering larger scale free transit for youth and other groups.
Project Status
In Progress