
Dataset: EVALUATE: Electric Vehicle Assessment and Leveraging of Unified models toward AbatemenT of Emissions, Phase II

Research Product Type
This repository stores the data of the NCST project titled "EVALUATE: Electric Vehicle Assessment and Leveraging of Unified models toward AbatemenT of Emissions, Phase II." Phase II focuses on forecasting emissions outputs through targeted case studies that extend prior work from light duty vehicles operated by individuals to service-oriented vehicles operated by small and medium businesses.

EVALUATE: Electric Vehicle Assessment and Leveraging of Unified models toward AbatemenT of Emissions, Phase I

Research Product Type
Research Report
This research explores electric vehicle (EV) and grid interactions with a focus on CO2 emissions through integrating models and data that characterize: vehicle energy consumption, travel demands, vehicle charging, and temporal emission profiles associated with electric power generation dispatch. This convergence research helps quantify the relative emissions of light duty vehicle use and charging during various times of day to enable comparison of EV modes against one another and against conventional vehicle baselines.