
The Current and Future Performance and Costs of Battery Electric Trucks

  • Principal Investigator Lewis Fulton, Ph.D.
  • University of California, Davis
This white paper will review the key literature and estimates, attempt to understand the reason for differences and resolve these, undertake sensitivity analysis and a “final” robust analysis with conclusions about the best applications of BETs and where they may be very challenged to replace diesels.
Project Status

Cost Sensitivity and Charging Choices of Plug-in Electric Vehicle Drivers – A Stated Preference Study

  • Principal Investigator Gil Tal, Ph.D.
  • University of California, Davis
Using stated preference choice experiments, this study tries to fill the two gaps in the literature mentioned here: identify the drivers of choice of charging location during non-routine charging events and quantitative estimates of consumer preference for pricing strategies and other charging infrastructure attributes in case of routine nonhome charging events.
Project Status