
A Deep Dive Into Corridor DC Fast Chargers in California

  • Principal Investigator Tisura Gamage
  • University of California, Davis
This research will study the challenges of installation and operation of a reliable network of public DC fast charging stations. While existing studies show costs ranging from $20,000 - $150,000, the researchers find costs range anywhere between $122,000 and $440,000.
Project Status
In Progress

Assessing the Charging Needs of Multi-EV Households in California

  • Principal Investigator Gil Tal, Ph.D.
  • University of California, Davis
This project will determine the market penetration and charging infrastructure needs of multi-EV households by region and community in California from 2022 to 2040, with a particular focus on how access to charging will affect the rate at which households acquire additional EVs and on the difficulties of expanding EV ownership in Disadvantaged Communities in California.
Project Status

Battery Technologies for Current and Future Heavy-Duty and Transit Electric Vehicles

  • Principal Investigator Andrew Burke, Ph.D.
  • University of California, Davis
This research project will study battery technologies that can significantly increase the energy density to at least 500 Wh/kg or higher and reduce charging time to fifteen minutes or lower and have a cell cost to the original equipment manufacturer of $70/kWh or lower in a large battery pack (>500 kWh).
Project Status
In Progress

Cost Sensitivity and Charging Choices of Plug-in Electric Vehicle Drivers – A Stated Preference Study

  • Principal Investigator Gil Tal, Ph.D.
  • University of California, Davis
Using stated preference choice experiments, this study tries to fill the two gaps in the literature mentioned here: identify the drivers of choice of charging location during non-routine charging events and quantitative estimates of consumer preference for pricing strategies and other charging infrastructure attributes in case of routine nonhome charging events.
Project Status