
Evaluating Carpool Potential for Home-to-Work SOV Commuters Using a Scalable and Practical Simulation Framework

Research Product Type
Associated Publication
CarpoolSim is a new scalable analytical framework designed evaluate the potential performance and impact of intelligent carpooling system (ICS) for regional networks. Designed to be directly integrated into the travel demand modeling process, CarpoolSim uses a two-stage approach: 1) a filtering step with a set of comprehensive filtering conditions, to eliminate unreasonable carpool matches, given spatiotemporal constraints; and 2) an optimization step, to match as many carpools as possible (and eliminate any remaining assignment conflicts).

Evaluating the Sustainability Impacts of Intelligent Carpooling Systems for SOV Commuters in the Atlanta Region

Research Product Type
Research Report
Community-based carpooling has the potential to alleviate traffic congestion and reduce the transportation carbon footprint. One of the major barriers to implementation is the difficulty of optimizing carpool formation in large systems. This study utilizes two different methods to solve the carpooling optimization problem: 1) bipartite algorithm and 2) integer linear programming.

If Pooling with a Discount were Available for the Last Solo-Ridehailing Trip, How Much Additional Travel Time Would Users Have Accepted and for Which Types of Trips?

Research Product Type
Research Report
This research explicitly models taste heterogeneity towards pooled ridehailing. In addition, unlike existing studies either at the person level or employing stated-preference data, a trip-level analysis is performed in connection with revealed preferences, which generates more realistic and relevant implications to policy and practice.

Metro Atlanta Northwest Corridor Commuter Survey Results - Assessing Express Lane Impacts on Increased Corridor Throughput

Research Product Type
Dissertation / Thesis
The goal of the 2023 Atlanta Metropolitan Area Northwest Corridor Commuter Survey is to gather information from metropolitan area residents about changes in their commute travel to work on the I-75 Northwest Corridor (NWC) over time. The survey looks at commute travel before and after the NWC Express Lanes opened, during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, and finally at anticipated changes after the pandemic is behind us.