Westside Mobility Study Update

The objective of this project is to examine the implications of emerging technologies on land use, parking, and social equity policies, as well as potential impacts on the existing transit system network in the Westside subregion. The Westside Cities Council of Governments (WSCCOG) aims to update the 2003 Westside Mobility Study, which supports an interjurisdictional approach to transportation planning and addresses issues of regional importance. An updated study is necessary to reflect current and future trends (i.e., first/last mile connectivity, active transportation, and emerging mobility technologies) to enhance access to places of employment and tourist attractions throughout the Westside subregion, as well as improve access from disadvantaged communities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote social equity. The study will also examine collaborative interjurisdictional projects that are sustainable, equitable, and cost-effective in enhancing regional mobility.


Research Area
