Caltrans Planning Horizons: Failing Malls - Optimizing Opportunities for Housing

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Failing Malls: Optimizing Opportunities for Housing

Event Overview

California, like most of the country, was facing a transformation of retail before the COVID-19 epidemic. Increasing Internet shopping has ushered closing of anchor stores, such as Macy's, Sears, as well as the closure of many regional shopping malls, which have sizeable footprints, ranging from 40-100+ acres. The epidemic has accelerated these trends. This offers opportunities for redeveloping failing malls to address pressing needs in California, the need for housing, and for efficient transit provision for such redevelopments. For more information email


Image of Dr. Hilda Blanco

Dr. Hilda Blanco, Researcher, METRANS Transportation Center, University of Southern California; Prof. Emeritus, Dept. of Urban Design and Planning, University of Washington

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