Past Events

Addressing Cycles of Inequality: A Talk on Mobility Justice featuring Mimi Sheller

Day One: Keynote Talk by critical mobilities scholar Mimi Sheller, author of Mobility Justice: The Politics of Movement in an Age of Extremes. Day Two: Workshop - Participants will collaborate at a closed workshop to produce an interdisciplinary mobility justice research agenda that draws on bike equity and racial justice.

Recent Urban Freight Research Findings From Europe

Urban freight research is now an established field within European academic centers, taking advantage of increasing data availability, new corporate and government sponsors, and increased interest from practitioners and local decision-makers. Professor Dablanc will present some of the recent issues and research findings from her team, including some recent European Union funded projects she participated in.

Webinar: Empowering the New Mobility Workforce: Learning from Past Transformations

New transportation technologies will change the way we travel, live, and work. In many ways these changes – such as vehicle automation and new mobility services – are new, but this is far from the first time that automation and new technology have changed a sector of the economy. The webinar will explore recent research exploring past technological transformations and what they can teach us to expect for the next one.