vehicle miles traveled (VMT)

Induced Travel Calculator Improvements

  • Principal Investigator Jamey Volker, PhD
  • University of California, Davis
This project will explore possible improvements to the UC Davis Induced Travel Calculator and develop recommendations for any further improvements that would require additional resources. 
Project Status

Induced Travel Calculator Project

  • Principal Investigator Susan Handy, Ph.D.
  • University of California, Davis
This project will develop a web-based tool for calculating the induced travel effects of highway expansion projects
Project Status

Measuring, Analyzing, and Identifying Small-Area Vehicle Miles Traveled Reduction

  • Principal Investigator Susan Handy, Ph.D.
  • University of California, Davis
This project will complete a minimum of three case studies of local communities that have experienced substantial changes in the transportation system and/or land development patterns to assess the change in VMT that has resulted; the forces contributing to transportation and land use changes, including local and/or regional policy changes, will also be examined.
Project Status
In Progress

National Impacts of E-commerce Growth - Development of a Spatial Demand Based Tool

  • Principal Investigator Miguel Jaller, Ph.D.
  • University of California, Davis
This study addresses how much e-commerce will grow, if the growth will be consistent across locations and demographics, and what the impacts on the transportation system will be. In doing so, the study will develop a tool to estimate VMT and emissions from varying e-commerce scenarios using transportation demand models.
Project Status