Impacts of Remote/Hybrid Work and Remote Services on Activity and Transportation Patterns

This project will provide science‐based robust information on the behavioral impacts of information and communication technology (ICT) based remote activities on travel choices, including telework, hybrid work, and online shopping. The study will analyze data from the California Mobility Panel, which has been built with rounds of data collection in 2018, 2019, spring and fall 2020, 2021, and 2023, and will be complemented by a new round of data collection in fall 2024. With unique, rich panel data, the project will model complex relationships around remote activities in a single modeling framework, which examines cross‐domain and bidirectional causal effects. The project will employ robust analytical approaches to estimate the effects of remote activities on travel patterns under different land use configurations. The project will greatly improve the understanding of the impacts of remote/hybrid work and other remote services and inform State and planning agencies by shedding light on the complex ways remote activities affect short‐term daily routines (e.g., telecommuting vs. commuting trips, travel mode choice, and spatial/ temporal trip distributions) and long‐term choices (vehicle choice, residential location and real estate development), and will help understand the impacts on vehicle miles traveled
(VMT) and transportation‐based greenhouse gas (GHG) emission impacts. 

Research Area
