technology (general)

Online GHG Calculator for Heavy-Duty Vehicles

  • Principal Investigator Randall Guensler, Ph.D.
  • Georgia Institute of Technology
This project presents the Fuel and Emissions Calculator (FEC), an operating-mode-based, life-cycle energy and emissions modeling tool developed by Georgia Institute of Technology researchers.
Project Status

Panel Study of Emerging Transportation Technologies and Trends in California: Phase 2 Findings

Research Product Type
Research Report
This report focuses on the analyses of the data collected in this project, in particular on the differences in attitudes towards transportation and the environment among different generational groups, the adoption and use of shared mobility services, and their relationship with vehicle ownership, the interest in the adoption of alternative fuel vehicles, and the interest in the future adoption of connected and automated vehicles.

Reducing Truck Emissions and Improving Truck Fuel Economy via ITS Technologies

  • Principal Investigator Petros Ioannou, Ph.D.
  • University of Southern California
This project proposes using intelligent transportation system (ITS) technologies that take into account the presence of trucks in the traffic flow. The researchers anticipate that this will improve impact on the environment by reducing fuel consumption and pollution levels in areas where the truck volume is relatively high.
Project Status

Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) Potential Evaluation

  • Principal Investigator Arun Raju, Ph.D.
  • University of California, Riverside
This project discusses UC Riverside's new Center for Renewable Natural Gas. It also covers the potential, production, and use of renewable natural gas as a vehicle fuel.
Project Status

Sustainability and Emerging Transportation Technology Conference: Shaping the Future of Mobility

This conference will address questions around how policy makers, the private sector, and others can work together to support transportation innovations in ways that promote sustainability and benefit all users of the transportation system particularly in terms of public health, equity, and accessibility. Transportation technologies and new approaches to mobility are advancing so rapidly that it can be difficult for policy makers to frame incentives, regulations, and market signals to promote all three pillars of sustainability: equity, the environment, and the economy.