
Estimates of Miles Walked and Biked in California by Census Tract

  • Principal Investigator Susan Handy, Ph.D.
  • University of California, Davis

Objective: This project developed a new method to estimate cyclist and pedestrian activity at the census tract level of geography based on a combination of travel survey, cens

Project Status

Expanded Workforce Development Opportunities are Needed for Transportation Sector Climate Adaptation Professionals

Research Product Type
Policy Brief
To understand current climate adaptation workforce development needs, researchers at the University of Vermont surveyed state departments of transportation and metropolitan planning organizations about training needs and opportunities at their agencies and catalogued climate adaptation graduate and certificate programs at universities around the country to assess whether these programs aligned with identified needs.

Georgia Express Lane Corridors Vehicle Occupancy and Throughput Study 2018-2020 - Volume I: Vehicle and Person Throughput Analysis Before and After the I-75 Northwest Corridor and I-85 Express Lanes Extension

Research Product Type
Research Report
This report summarizes the vehicle and person throughput analysis for the I-75 Northwest Corridor (NWC) and I-85 Express Lanes in Atlanta, GA, undertaken by the Georgia Institute of Technology research team for the State Road and Tollway Authority (SRTA).