Each project funded from the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) is required to estimate the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions (or carbon sequestration) that would occur from project implementation. The California Air Resources Board (CARB) is responsible for providing the quantification methods (QMs) used to estimate GHG emission reductions and other co-benefits. CARB has developed QMs for over 25 programs to be used by programs and applicants to estimate proposed project GHG emission reductions. CARB evaluates and updates the QMs to reflect new scientific developments and new tools, or modifications to the analytical tools and approaches upon which the methods were based. Additionally, as new programs and project types are funded through GGRF, new QMs are developed, as needed. CARB is also expanding QMs to estimate air pollutant emission reductions and co-benefits.
This research project will gather empirical data, agency reports, and other credible data sources to review assumptions used in QMs and to evaluate improvements to methods that may provide more accurate and robust estimates of GHG and air pollutant emission reductions, while ensuring they are not overly complicated to apply. Additionally, the researchers will review literature, methods, and/or tools to support quantification of potential new project types.