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Event Overview
The emerging popularity of e-commerce — particularly how e-shoppers choose to have their purchases delivered — has resulted in significant impacts on urban transportation, land use, shopping behavior, and related externalities. This growth has inevitably raised many questions, including what the overall impact is of online shopping on passenger and truck vehicle miles traveled (VMT), as well as what the cascading societal effects of fewer in-store purchases will be in today’s retail and transportation environments.
This webinar will uncover some of the important societal and environmental impacts of the growth of e-commerce by delving into the findings of two distinct but related research projects. Questions that will be explored include what the potential transportation-related effects from the shift to e-shopping will be, and what the patterns of e-shopping are with regard to frequency, goods purchased, and how these are related to attributes of e-shoppers.
View Dr. Giuliano's Presentation Slides
View Dr. Jaller's Presentation Slides

Dr. Genevieve Giuliano is Professor and Margaret and John Ferraro Chair in Effective Local Government at the University of Southern California. Dr. Giuliano's research areas include relationships between land use and transportation, transportation policy analysis, travel behavior, and information technology applications in transportation. Current research includes examination of relationships between urban form, online shopping behavior, and local freight demand; market potential for zero emission trucks; reducing local impacts of truck traffic, and applications for transportation system analysis using archived real-time data. She has published over 170 papers and given invited lectures around the world.

Dr. Miguel Jaller is an Associate Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering at the University of California, Davis. Dr. Jaller’s research interests are in the areas of freight transportation, sustainable transportation systems, and humanitarian logistics. He has published scientific and technical publications on these topics, and has presented at different national and international venues. Dr. Jaller has been a part of several important research and consulting projects funded by the United States Department of Transportation, the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council, the National Cooperative Freight Research Program, the National Science Foundation, and the Inter-American Development Bank, among others.