3 Revolutions Policy Conference 2018

Event Date

Activities and Recreation Center, 232 Shields Ave, Davis, CA


Dan Sperling, Founding Director, ITS-Davis; Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering; Professor, Environmental Science and Policy; Co-Director, STEPS Program, ITS-Davis
Susan Shaheen, Co-director of Transportation Sustainability Research Center at UC Berkeley
David Friedman, Director of Cars & Product Policy & Analysis, Consumers Union, Former interim head of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
Robin Chase, Co-founder of Zipcar, Veniam, Open Transport Partnership
Malcolm Dougherty, Director, California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
Hasan Ikhrata, Executive Director, Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)
James Corless, CEO, Sacramento Area Council of  Governments (SACOG)
Doug Hooker, Executive Director, Atlanta Regional Council
Rutt Bridges, Executive Director. Understanding Disruption, and Author, Driverless Car Revolution
Steve Polzin, Director, Mobility Policy Research Center for Urban Transportation Research, University of South Florida
Michael Dunne, Founder & President, Dunne Automotive Ltd.
Sahar Shirazi, Senior Planning Advisor, California Governor’s Office of Planning and Research
Scott Mauvais, Director, Technology & Civic Innovation Microsoft Cities

Event Overview

Transformative changes are coming to our world of passenger transportation—with the promise of huge energy, environmental, and social benefits. The 3 Revolutions in vehicle sharing, automation and electrification could provide our best shot at a transportation do-over, allowing an opportunity to right the errors of the environmental and social impacts of 20th century transportation. But this will require new and strategic thinking across sectors. The shared-use revolution, with the promise of low-cost travel, greater access for mobility-disadvantaged travelers, and less vehicle use, is promising but also elusive.

The 3 Revolutions Policy Conference assembled leading transportation experts and leaders to explore how we can steer shared, electric, and automated technologies and services to a better future. Join us in moving beyond hype and hostility in considering how we can anticipate–rather than react to—environmental, economic, and social challenges and opportunities.

Conference Details

More information on the 3 Revolutions Policy Conference is available here.

Event Category
