This dataset is from project UVM-DOT-704. The vast majority of travel behavior and sustainable transportation research has focused on urban areas. A rural perspective is lacking. In this study, the researchers aim to dive deeper into understanding how people travel and their perceptions and opinions about various components of travel in a majority rural state. By speaking directly with Vermonters through in-person interviews, the researchers obtain uniquely personal points of view and analyze them for commonalities and differences between urban, suburban, and rural Vermonters. The researchers ask questions on day-to-day challenges of traveling, suggestions for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, responses to fuel prices, and opinions on electric vehicles. Some of their key findings include that rural areas struggle most with traveling long distances to reach services, urban areas are more concerned with traffic, and opinions on electric vehicle (EV) ownership are consistent across the state, with people being likely to consider owning an EV if costs were to decrease. The researchers' interviews identify additional questions that should be evaluated further to help states develop practical and effective policies aimed at reducing GHG emissions in rural areas. The researchers also recommend further in-depth survey research to provide a more complete picture of the potential to shift travel behavior, particularly in rural areas. This research adds to the body of knowledge in a historically understudied population, enabling the research community to better understand and work more closely with small and rural communities to address climate change and achieve deeper GHG emission reductions.