White Paper

Lessons Learned for Designing Programs to Charge for Road Use, Congestion, and Emissions

Research Product Type
White Paper
This study provides an overview of the academic literature related to vehicle pricing, examines case studies of locations where pricing has been implemented, and investigates the design choices for programs that would address each of three major externalities related to vehicle use: road damage, emissions (both greenhouse gases and local pollutants), and congestion.

Mode Share Changes in California: An Exploratory Analysis of Factors Affecting Decreases in Walking, Biking and Transit Use from 2012 to 2017

Research Product Type
White Paper
This paper compares factors impacting mode shares in 2012 and in 2017 to answer part of the question about why we see this decrease in the use of active modes over this period and what types of planning, programs, and policy actions may help to reverse this trend and get California back on track to increase walking, biking and the use of public transit.