TRB Webinar: Adapting Shoreline Infrastructure to Sea Level Rise and Extreme Events

Event Date


Fraser Shilling, University of California, Davis

Jan Mackinnon, Georgia Department of Natural Resources

Justin Vandever, AECOM

Kimberly Andrews, University of Georgia

Event Overview

The Transportation Research Board (TRB) conducted a webinar that discussed how transportation planners can adapt to the changes in natural systems. Coastal states are suffering increased rates of flooding from gradual changes in sea level and hurricanes. State departments of transportation and local infrastructure agencies often struggle to keep up with these increased rates of flooding. Presenters will discuss the latest projections of sea level rise and the changing understanding about storm events. They will also describe adaptive planning techniques to these changes through case studies from transportation corridors in California and Georgia. Presenters will identify how to use predictive modeling to plan for more resilient transportation infrastructure, determine how to use adaptive management techniques, and highlight permitting issues that arise when infrastructure adaptation meets ecosystem needs.


For more information on the webinar, click here.

Related NCST Project

To read Dr. Fraser Shilling’s related NCST research report, visit Using Time Lapse Cameras to Track Shoreline Change Due to Sea Level Rise.

Event Category
