
Investigating Transportation Decarbonization through Transit and Rideshare Electrification: A Scenario Analysis with Large-Scale Models

  • Principal Investigator Mehdi Azimi, Ph.D.
  • Texas Southern University
This project utilizes the Department of Energy's Systems and Modeling for Accelerated Research in Transportation (SMART) workflow to evaluate potential outcomes of electrification policies, specifically for transit and rideshare systems. This will be accomplished by harnessing a large-scale agent-based activity-based transportation modeling tool designed for the Houston Metropolitan Area.
Project Status
In Progress

Local Finance and Planning Mechanisms for Transit-Oriented Development, Transit, and Active Transport

  • Principal Investigator Elisa Barbour, Ph.D.
  • University of California, Davis
This project will address the lack of systematic research on the topic by (1) identifying common TOD and transit/AT financing tools-in-use, (2) conducting a survey and interviews with local planners, (3) analyzing findings in connection to characteristics and motivations distinguishing localities, and (4) assessing financing and planning strategies more intensively in case study cities useful for considering best practices.
Project Status

Online Training for the Transit Industry

  • Principal Investigator Thomas O'Brien, Ph.D.
  • California State University Long Beach

In partnership with the Southern California Regional Transit Training Consortium (SCRTTC, a consortium of Southern California-based community colleges and transit operators), CSULB expanded potenti

Project Status

Optimizing Bikeshare Service to Connect Affordable Housing Units with Transit Service

Research Product Type
Research Report
This research studies the potential of bikeshare services to bridge the gap between Affordable Housing Communities (AHC) and transit services to improve transport accessibility of the residents. In doing so, the study develops an agent-based simulation optimization modeling (ABM) framework for the optimal design of the bikesharing station network considering improving accessibility as the objective.

Optimizing Bikeshare Service to Connect Affordable Housing Units with Transit Services

  • Principal Investigator Miguel Jaller, Ph.D.
  • University of California, Davis
This project will develop a framework to optimize the location of bikeshare stations to mitigate the barriers between affordable housing and transit services. To achieve this, the multi-objective optimization process will consider both bikeshare trip demand, transit service schedule, available affordable housing units, and other geographic information.
Project Status

Recent Urban Freight Research Findings From Europe

Urban freight research is now an established field within European academic centers, taking advantage of increasing data availability, new corporate and government sponsors, and increased interest from practitioners and local decision-makers. Professor Dablanc will present some of the recent issues and research findings from her team, including some recent European Union funded projects she participated in.