This report details the development and application of a spreadsheet tool which enables the evaluation and use of electric and hydrogen Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEVs) within the Caltrans fleet. The spreadsheet tool assists with both the placement of ZEVs and determining placement of new fueling stations to obtain the maximum benefit. The ZEV tool created as a result of this project allows Caltrans to maximize the usage of ZEVs that will be procured within Caltrans. The ZEV tool enables a strategic adoption of ZEVs within the Caltrans fleet by analyzing: fleet parameters, vehicle technology, vehicle usage, refueling infrastructure development, and operational needs. This report summarizes how available information, trip activity, and EVSE have been integrated within a database tool to analyze ZEV integration possibilities. The ZEV tool development provides Caltrans an architecture to integrate evolving data and fleet characteristics while optimizing ZEV placement and utilization into the future. Caltrans staff will be able to utilize the ZEV tool to strategically select vehicles as ZEV capable based on vehicle specifications, refueling infrastructure, and prior vehicle activity. The ZEV tool provides evaluation techniques by vehicle classification, region or refueling/charging capabilities. Utilization of the tool will assist California in the transition to ZEV platforms that are either battery electric or hydrogen fuel cell. The report serves as a guide to utilize the ZEV tool for deployment of ZEVs in the Caltrans fleet while maintaining or improving the effectiveness of operations. The optimized deployment strategy includes the operational and performance criteria of ZEVs while considering the location of refueling/recharging stations for EVSE (electric vehicle supply equipment) and hydrogen ZEVs.