Dataset: Replication Data for: Robust Design, Analysis and Evaluation of Variable Speed Limit Control in a Connected Environment with Uncertanties

The zip files named "RVSL_Project_Data" contain data for NCST project "Robust Design, Analysis and Evaluation of Variable Speed Limit Control in a Connected Environment with Uncertanties". Each vehicle record is a fzp file generated by VISSIM that contains all vehicle information in the specific simulation run. There are 10 fzp files for each scenario. The evaluation results of all the vehicle records plus the average results for each scenario are stored in an xlsx file named “VehRecords_Evals.xlsx”. The densities, flows and VSL commands of all simulation runs are stored in two xlsx files named “FlowDenVSL_D750099944_1Lane.xlsx” and “FlowDenVSL_D600088833_2Lanes.xlsx”, corresponding to one-lane closure with high demand and two-lane closure with moderate demand respectively. The remaining files are VISSIM model files and Python3 scripts for running VISSIM simulations and evaluations.
