Other Sustainable Transportation Projects

Analyzing Car-Following Behavior of Automated Vehicles

  • Principal Investigator Ghazaleh Jafarsalehi
  • University of California, Davis
This project will aim to develop a data-driven framework to analyze the disturbance amplification behavior of automated vehicles in car-following (CF).
Project Status

Caltrans 2024 Sustainable Freight Academy

  • Principal Investigator Thomas O'Brien, Ph.D.
  • California State University Long Beach
The Caltrans Sustainable Freight Academy is a four-day in-person training for professional development for Caltrans staff to be held in the fall of 2024 in California’s Central Valley. It is designed to build capacity within department staff, allowing them to gain knowledge of current trends and issues affecting the movement of freight throughout the state.
Project Status

Design and Evaluation of Dynamic Mobility Management Systems

  • Principal Investigator David Oswald
  • University of California, Riverside
The goal of this project is to design and evaluate a Dynamic Mobility Management System (DyMMS) to address traffic congestion, which leads to more fuel consumption, significant greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and poor air quality.
Project Status

Equity Concerns Related to Induced Travel and Mitigation

  • Principal Investigator Jesus Barajas, Ph.D
  • University of California, Davis
This project will develop guidance for evaluating sociodemographic disparities from the impacts of State Highway System expansion projects and associated vehicle miles traveled (VMT) mitigation strategies.
Project Status
In Progress

Fuel and Emissions Calculator (FEC) Version 4.0

  • Principal Investigator Randall Guensler, Ph.D.
  • Georgia Institute of Technology
This research will update to the spreadsheet version of the Fuel and Emissions Calculator (FEC) to Version 4.0. The update will incorporate the emission and energy use rates from the latest version of the EPA's MOVES 4.0 regulatory model for conventional and electric vehicles, utilizing the latest matrices from MOVES-Matrix 4.0 (also developed by the research team) and associated source type technology parameters.
Project Status
In Progress

Implementing Industry-Supported and Demand-Driven Talent Pipelines for the Trade and Transportation Sector

  • Principal Investigator Tyler Reeb, Ph.D.
  • California State University Long Beach
This project will produce a Talent Pipeline Blueprint report that identifies the necessary steps required to build cross-campus CSU talent pipelines that target the most in-demand trade and transportation occupations requiring specific degrees, certificates, and non-credit professional development.
Project Status

Improving Public Safety through Spatial Synthesis, Mapping, Modeling, and Performance Analysis of Emergency Evacuation in California Localities

  • Principal Investigator Miguel Jaller, Ph.D.
  • University of California, Davis
The project will help centralize and assess evacuation routes, and assess their capacity for evacuation. It will help inform infrastructure investment priority decisions, as it will identify the road segments with the largest impact on the evacuation route/network performance.
Project Status