Transportation and Energy - A Graduate-Level College Course

Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) 6625: Transportation and Energy – Fall 2016

Campus: Georgia Institute of Technology

Instructors: Michael O. Rodgers, Ph.D., and Randall L. Guensler, Ph.D., School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology

Teaching Assistant: Haobing Liu, Graduate Research Assistant, Georgia Institute of Technology

CEE6625: Transportation and Energy is a 3 credit graduate level course by Dr. Michael Rodgers and Dr. Randall Guensler at Georgia Tech. This course explores the relationships between the transportation infrastructure, technology, and energy consumption, with a focus on the potential impacts of alternative futures for transportation and energy systems. Through the course, students explored the potential changes in well-to-wheel energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions associated with alternative energy scenarios applied to specific transportation subsectors.

The goal of the final project is to use students’ acquired transportation subsystem and energy subsector knowledge from the midterm, assess the potential impacts of two assigned fuels applied to their assigned transportation subsector. The groups were reshuffled for the final project, so that each team have midterm project experts for each of the assigned fuels and transportation sectors. Each team applied appropriate energy, emissions, and other models (e.g., GREET, MOVES, MOVES-Matrix data, the fuel and emissions calculator, etc.) to compare and contrast the potential benefits and costs of the two fuels proposed for a specific transportation sector for the year 2030. The scenario analysis required teams to forecast future transportation demand, fleet composition, energy demand, infrastructure requirements for fuel production and transportation, fuel and system costs (capital, operation, and maintenance), and well-to-wheel energy impacts for the two alternative fuels.

Download Course Syllabus

Download Midterm Student Presentation Book

Download Final Student Presentation Book