travel behavior

Recent Urban Freight Research Findings From Europe

Urban freight research is now an established field within European academic centers, taking advantage of increasing data availability, new corporate and government sponsors, and increased interest from practitioners and local decision-makers. Professor Dablanc will present some of the recent issues and research findings from her team, including some recent European Union funded projects she participated in.

Results of the 2013-14 Campus Travel Survey

Research Product Type
Research Report
This survey collects annual data on how the UC Davis community travels to campus, including mode choice, vehicle occupancy, distances traveled, and carbon emissions.

Results of the 2014-15 Campus Travel Survey

Research Product Type
Research Report
This survey collects annual data on how the UC Davis community travels to campus, including mode choice, vehicle occupancy, distances traveled, and carbon emissions.

Results of the 2015-16 Campus Travel Survey

Research Product Type
Research Report
This survey collects annual data on how the UC Davis community travels to campus, including mode choice, vehicle occupancy, distances traveled, and carbon emissions.

Results of the 2016-17 Campus Travel Survey

Research Product Type
Research Report
This survey collects annual data on how the UC Davis community travels to campus, including mode choice, vehicle occupancy, distances traveled, and carbon emissions.

Results of the 2017-18 Campus Travel Survey

Research Product Type
Research Report
This survey collects annual data on how the UC Davis community travels to campus, including mode choice, vehicle occupancy, distances traveled, and carbon emissions.

Results of the 2018-19 Campus Travel Survey

Research Product Type
Research Report
The 2018-19 survey collected data from 4,014 people affiliated with UC Davis about their travel to campus during a single week in October 2018.