Introducing the Resilience into the State Transportation Network

California has been a leader in adopting policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Meanwhile, for too long, businesses have been warning of key routes that are stretched to the breaking point. In many places across California, it takes only a single incident to cause chaos – for instance, a car accident across the intersection of I-5, I-10, and I-101. Fast-paced California businesses demand a transport network that can better cope with accidents, severe weather, not to mention ubiquitous earthquake threats. Therefore, the state is required to provide and maintain an acceptable level of service in the face of faults and any challenges to normal operations. Sacramento should be tasked to immediately identify all of the places where the road and rail networks need urgent attention in their state-wide long-range transportation plans. In this study, a network model is developed to calculate reliability by considering the critical paths of a transportation network using the UCINET simulation tool. The implementation of this network model used two path failure strategies (selective and random) using the Betweenness Centrality as a metric. Their preliminary results show that the UCINET tool can be used to successfully estimate the reliability and to further identify the critical paths of a highway transportation network in California.
