Lauren Iacobucci

Lauren Iacobucci photo

Position Title
Assistant Director

  • University of California, Davis

Lauren Iacobucci serves as Assistant Director for the UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies and the National Center for Sustainable Transportation. Mrs. Iacobucci joined the NCST team in February 2017 and manages the many activities and programs of the NCST, including administering the Center’s research and education programs, assisting with engagement and outreach, and overseeing all of the consortium’s grants and projects. Lauren also serves as Senior Program Manager of ITS-Davis’s Statewide Transportation Research Program, as well as manages ITS-Davis’s partnership with the Pacific Southwest Region UTC (led by the University of Southern California).

Prior to her role at ITS-Davis, Lauren was an Associate Transportation Planner and Research Program Manager with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Division of Research, Innovation & System Information, where she managed research projects with various universities, as well as the NCST’s additional Caltrans-funded research program and projects. Lauren also previously worked as a Contract Analyst with Caltrans’ Division of Procurement and Contracts.

Mrs. Iacobucci earned a Bachelor's Degree from the University of California, Berkeley, in Urban Studies.