Capitol Hill Research Briefing: Better Governance through a Strong Workforce and Effective Incentives

Event Date

Dirksen Senate Office Building, 50 Constitution Ave NE, Room SD-G11, Washington, DC


Dr. Carol Vallett – Evaluation Specialist, University of Vermont Transportation Research Center
Dr. Alan Jenn – Assistant Professional Researcher, Electric Vehicle Research Center, University of California, Davis

Event Overview

The National Center for Sustainable Transportation, one of five National University Transportation Centers, leads in cutting-edge research from across the nation. The NCST hosted a briefing on Thursday, January 17th, to discuss recent research findings on workforce retention at State Departments of Transportation, and the effectiveness of incentives on the adoption of electric vehicles.

“Lessons from the Vermont Transportation Agency Employee Retention and Knowledge Management Study” – Dr. Carol Vallett
State Departments of Transportation can find it challenging to recruit and retain a skilled workforce. As the current generation of employees approaches retirement, recruiting and developing skilled workers will take on an even greater role in building organizational capacity for the future. Dr. Vallett presented the findings from research into individual motivation to join and leave State DOT employment and how the organization can manage retention and potential knowledge loss in the organization.
>  Learn more about this research project, read the final report, and check out the associated policy brief here.

“Effectiveness of Incentives on the Adoption of Electric Vehicles in the United States” – Dr. Alan Jenn
Electric vehicles are a key measure to reduce air pollution while providing mobility over the coming decades, and have been supported by a variety of State and Federal incentive programs. Understanding how, and where, they are used can help policy makers maximize the value of these incentive programs. Dr. Jenn presented findings from research into opportunities to make EV incentives more efficient and equitable, while yielding the maximum benefits to their drivers and local communities.
>  Learn more about this research project, download the policy brief, and check out the forthcoming report here.

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