Dataset: Replication Data for: Coordinated Traffic Flow Control in a Connected Environment

This includes data used in the project "Coordinated Traffic Flow Control in a Connected Environment." The data sharing mechanism strengthens the connection between the freeway and arterial networks and enhances the control performance.

The “signal_files” folder contains all VISSIM signal files used for the simulation. The “vehicle_records” folder contains vehicle records for all scenarios as well as the linear regression data for the cycle length model. Each vehicle record is a fzp file generated by VISSIM that contains all vehicle information in the specific simulation run. The evaluation results of each case are stored in a csv file in the corresponding subfolder. “scenario0” refers to the no incident scenario. “scenario1” refers to the ramp closure scenario. “scenario2” refers to the lane closure scenario. The VISSIM model and Python3 scripts for running VISSIM simulations and evaluations are in the root folder.
