Webinar: Planning and Policymaking for Transit-Oriented Development, Transit, and Active Transport in California Cities

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Planning and Policymaking for Transit-Oriented Development, Transit, and Active Transport in California Cities

Event Overview

Many state-level policies have been adopted in California that support transit-oriented development (TOD), or, in other words, development located near high-quality transit access. Many localities in California also support TOD goals, for reasons including downtown revitalization and accessibility improvements for residents. However, despite touted public and private benefits from TOD, localities face various obstacles in achieving it, including market, regulatory, financial, political, and institutional hurdles.

This presentation will discuss results from research gauging the perspectives of local planners on motivations, objectives, and perceived obstacles to TOD, and planning, policy, and financial strategies that cities are pursuing to support TOD. The analysis connects findings from an original survey of city planning directors in California conducted in 2019 with information on city characteristics, including built-environment variables such as transit availability and density, and also demographic, socioeconomic, and political factors. Using this approach, the research traces patterns of TOD policymaking by city type.


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Dr. Elisa Barbour is a post-doctoral scholar at the Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis. She received her PhD, specializing in regional planning, from the University of California, Berkeley, in 2015. She has studied many topics relating to transportation, land use, and environmental planning at the state, regional, and local levels in California.

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